The directory contains the results of a regular monitoring done by the EPN Central Bureau (typically once a day) of the content and the latency of the EPN real-time data streams available from (ASI), (BKG), and (ROB). For streams in the RTCM 3 format, the station coordinates, antenna and receiver description, and the tracked constellations are checked. More details are provided in For each broadcaster (BBB), the following files are maintained -------------------------------------------------------------- 1) monitor_BBB.ant Agreement of the antenna/radome information contained in the stream wrt the site log information. Streams with erronous information are indicated by an "*". 2) monitor_BBB.rec Agreement of the receiver information contained in the stream wrt the site log information. Streams with erronous information are indicated by an "*". 3) monitor_BBB.coord Agreement of the coordinates contained in the stream (STR) wrt the best station cooordinates EUREF has available for the station available from As the stream coordinates are given with respect to the ARP (Antenna Reference Point), the coordinates in RTCM.CRD (which refer to the station marker) will be converted to the ARP before comparing them with the coordinates in the stream. All values are given in meters. The antenna height in the stream is also compared to the antenna height in the site log. Streams with erronous information are indicated by an "*". 4) monitor_BBB.const Satellite constellations for which observations are found in the stream. Including information on MSM type (if applicable). 5) monitor_BBB.latency Latency of the code/phase observations. This latency is the 20-sec average obtained by comparing the GPS time of the received observation with the UTC time of the EPB CB server (corrected for leap seconds).