
News from the EUREF Governing Board (GB) and from the EPN central Bureau during the five last years, e.g. guidelines changes, inclusion of new stations, web and file servers maintenance, ...


Display all the mails between 1997 and 2020.

EUREFmail No Date Subject
12036 06-Mar-2025 Call for Nominations for EUREF Governing Board Membership
12026 18-Feb-2025 EUREF Symposia 2025 in Portugal
12023 14-Feb-2025 New EPN station IGNP00FRA
EUREFmail No Date Subject
11612 21-Dec-2023 EUREF Newsletter 2023
11610 20-Dec-2023 Daily and weekly EPN operational products in IGS20 available
11609 19-Dec-2023 Christmas holidays
11538 16-Nov-2023 New EPN station THU200GRL
11528 09-Nov-2023 Scheduled M3G downtime on Nov 13, 2023
11504 06-Oct-2023 EPN Historical Data Centre : renaming of RINEX 3 files using RINEX2 short file name convention
11471 04-Sep-2023 New EPN station TOR300EST
11443 02-Aug-2023 RINEX 4.01 format has been officially released
11418 29-Jun-2023 RINEX 4.00 End of Transition Phase - Going into operation on July 19, 2023
11393 15-May-2023 Removal of EPN products from EPN CB server - reminder
11391 10-May-2023 Inclusion of SNR in RINEX observations files
11387 05-May-2023 2023 EUREF Symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-26 - Preliminary program available, and Registration deadline extended to May 09
11378 02-May-2023 New EPN stations GJML00SRB, PLND00SRB, SID000SRB and SUBO00SRB
11375 27-Apr-2023 Removal of EPN products from EPN CB server
11370 20-Apr-2023 2023 EUREF Symposium: abstract submission issue
11369 20-Apr-2023 Data license for EPN stations
11363 31-Mar-2023 New EPN station MAH100IRL
11362 31-Mar-2023 New EPN station VAIN00LVA
11360 30-Mar-2023 2023 EUREF Symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-26
11350 08-Mar-2023 Scheduled downtime of M3G - March 9, 2023 from 10-12 CET
11348 06-Mar-2023 Status of EPN GNSS analysis and products in IGS20
11326 09-Feb-2023 EPN SINEX files
11312 20-Jan-2023 New EPN station SNIK00ITA
EUREFmail No Date Subject
11290 23-Dec-2022 Christmas holidays
11246 16-Nov-2022 Release of EPN tropospheric cumulative solution T2227
11231 03-Nov-2022 New EPN stations PSTO00PRT and STNB00PRT
11210 14-Oct-2022 New EPN station ISRN00ITA
11208 13-Oct-2022 Collecting information on stations with antenna misalignment
11198 30-Sep-2022 New EPN stations ENZA00ITA, FRNE00ITA, GALH00ITA, RIVO00ITA, TEOS00ITA, TREU00ITA and TRMI00ITA
11182 21-Sep-2022 Leica GRX1200 series (Measurement Engine 2) end of life
11173 08-Sep-2022 Upcoming changes at M3G and EPN CB
11103 22-Jun-2022 New EPN station ZZON00HUN
11102 22-Jun-2022 New EPN station SPT700SWE
11093 10-Jun-2022 New EPN stations AGRN00ITA, BSVZ00ITA, SART00ITA, SVLL00ITA, UBEN00ITA and VIRG00ITA
11086 01-Jun-2022 New EPN stations ASIR00ITA, BIRG00ITA and LIGN00ITA
11054 28-Apr-2022 Release of EPN tropospheric cumulative solution T2195
11017 23-Mar-2022 Update of Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres
10994 04-Mar-2022 IAG Statement on Ukraine
10979 25-Feb-2022 New EPN stations PPSH00NOR and WUTH00NOR
10966 18-Feb-2022 New EPN station DVCN00SVK
10940 01-Feb-2022 EPNCB and M3G - computer maintenance
10926 21-Jan-2022 New EPN stations ARA200SVN, KDA200SVN and PZA200SVN
10922 19-Jan-2022 New EPN station RVNE00UKR
10918 07-Jan-2022 Release of updated compression software for RINEX - correction
10915 05-Jan-2022 Release of updated compression software for RINEX
10914 05-Jan-2022 New EPN stations FRA200UKR, MUK200UKR, RAH100UKR and TER200UKR
10912 04-Jan-2022 IGS webinar Feb, 17, 2022
EUREFmail No Date Subject
10509 18-Dec-2020 EUREF Newsletter 2020
10505 16-Dec-2020 Christmas holidays
10476 25-Nov-2020 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C2115 in IGb14
10472 24-Nov-2020 Usage of .gz compression for RINEX 2 at EUREF data centers from Dec.
10470 23-Nov-2020 Reminder: Transition to gzip compression for RINEX v.2 (1 December 2020)
10460 16-Nov-2020 New EPN stations KLNK00BLR, MOGI00BLR and VITR00BLR
10458 13-Nov-2020 Individual antenna calibrations - new naming conventions
10445 09-Nov-2020 New EPN stations LIDA00BLR, PINS00BLR and PSTV00BLR
10414 19-Oct-2020 Trimble NETR9/ALLOY firmware issues
10410 14-Oct-2020 Change of antenna reference point of SEPCHOKE_B3E6
10360 21-Aug-2020 In memoriam Guenter Stangl (1952 - 2020)
10343 10-Aug-2020 New EPN station MNSK00BLR
10329 27-Jul-2020 New EPN station LICC00GBR
10322 22-Jul-2020 New EPN station TLSG00FRA
10321 22-Jul-2020 New EPN station BZR200ITA
10267 25-May-2020 New EPN station BRMG00DEU
10266 25-May-2020 New EPN station IGNF00FRA
10250 07-May-2020 Trimble Firmware 5.45 for NETR9 and ALLOY receivers
10248 06-May-2020 Important changes of EPN ATX files on May 14, 2020
10233 20-Apr-2020 New EPN station BRTS00BLR
10222 15-Apr-2020 New EPN stations GOML00BLR and MNKW00BLR
10219 14-Apr-2020 New EPN station NOVP00BLR
10208 03-Apr-2020 JAVAD TRE_3 receivers with QZSS tracking problem (follow up)
10206 02-Apr-2020 JAVAD TRE_3 receivers with QZSS tracking problem
10202 30-Mar-2020 Submission of RINEX 2 optional
10200 30-Mar-2020 New EPN station ENAO00PRT
10198 27-Mar-2020 EUREF2020 Symposium in Ljubljana CANCELLED
10184 18-Mar-2020 URGENT Javad receiver tracking command for new GPS III satellite SVN-75
10172 05-Mar-2020 Outdated GLONASS almanac information on Leica GR30 and GR50 receivers
10171 05-Mar-2020 GLONASS tracking issues with LEICA GR30
10169 02-Mar-2020 GLONASS tracking issues with LEICA GR50
10152 18-Feb-2020 Tracking of G04 with Septentrio receiver
10136 03-Feb-2020 EPN CB system maintenance
10122 21-Jan-2020 M3G system maintenance
10121 20-Jan-2020 Reminder: ETRS89 coordinates in real-time EPN data streams
EUREFmail No Date Subject
10102 29-Dec-2019 New EPN station MAT100ITA
10094 20-Dec-2019 Christmas holidays
10093 20-Dec-2019 New EPN station TIT200DEU
10089 17-Dec-2019 New EPN station FFMJ00DEU
10088 17-Dec-2019 New EPN station DGOR00MNE
10054 20-Nov-2019 Update of Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres
09990 30-Sep-2019 New EPN stations WTZA00DEU, WTZS00DEU and WTZZ00DEU
09980 16-Sep-2019 New EPN station VLN100IRL
09979 16-Sep-2019 New EPN station TOR100ESP
09978 16-Sep-2019 New EPN station TAR000ESP
09971 10-Sep-2019 Recalibration of antenna presently at FFMJ00DEU
09966 04-Sep-2019 Paper on EPN CB activities in GPS Solutions
09945 12-Aug-2019 Recalibration of antenna presently at LEIJ00DEU
09934 31-Jul-2019 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C2055
09926 17-Jul-2019 Recalibration of antenna presently at RANT00DEU
09916 08-Jul-2019 M3G operational again
09915 08-Jul-2019 M3G down
09910 01-Jul-2019 ETRS89 coordinates in real-time EPN data streams
09909 01-Jul-2019 RINEX 2/3 data submissions
09873 29-May-2019 Site log validator for non-EPN stations
09861 14-May-2019 Recalibration of antenna presently at WARN00DEU
09852 08-May-2019 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C2040
09848 07-May-2019 New EPN station BAUT00DEU
09847 06-May-2019 New EPN station BOGE00POL
09828 16-Apr-2019 New EPN stations GDRS00UKR and IZRS00UKR
09820 11-Apr-2019 URGENT: Javad receiver navigation files GPS week roll-over problems
09797 28-Mar-2019 Receiver Firmware upgrades required for GPS Week Number Rollover
09796 28-Mar-2019 Recalibration of antenna presently at HOFJ00DEU
09791 25-Mar-2019 New EPN station VNRS00UKR
09783 18-Mar-2019 New EPN station PFA300AUT
09782 18-Mar-2019 New EPN station MERS00TUR
09765 05-Mar-2019 Availability of site log files with RINEX 3 station name conventions in file name
09760 01-Mar-2019 Preparation of RINEX 3 data processing capability
09748 18-Feb-2019 New EPN station TLL100IRL
09747 18-Feb-2019 New EPN station IZMI00TUR
09736 12-Feb-2019 4 New Galileo satellites healthy
09708 14-Jan-2019 New EPN station KRS100TUR
EUREFmail No Date Subject
09684 20-Dec-2018 Availability of RINEX 3.04
09675 14-Dec-2018 Christmas holidays
09670 11-Dec-2018 Recalibration of antennas presently at GELL00DEU and AUBG00DEU
09649 30-Nov-2018 Update of EPN CB data quality checks
09614 05-Nov-2018 New EPN station IGM200ITA
09602 29-Oct-2018 New EPN stations ORIV0FIN, PYHA00FIN, SAVU00FIN, TORN00FIN and TUO200FIN
09591 19-Oct-2018 TRIMBLE receiver station operators
09578 09-Oct-2018 Receiver issues tracking Galileo SVIDs above 32
09576 08-Oct-2018 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C2010
09572 05-Oct-2018 Release of version 1.0 of M3G
09562 01-Oct-2018 New EPN station NYA200NOR
09553 24-Sep-2018 New EPN stations KUU200FIN and HETT00FIN
09519 20-Aug-2018 Maintenance of the ROB broadcaster euref-ip.be - Tuesday 21/08/2018
09516 10-Aug-2018 EPN broadcaster operated by ROB is back online
09504 30-Jul-2018 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C1995
09490 25-Jul-2018 Service interruption of EPN broadcaster operated by ROB
09458 22-Jun-2018 New EPN stations MIK300FIN and OLK200FIN
09416 23-May-2018 New EPN station : METG00FIN
09396 04-May-2018 New EPN stations : KRRS00UKR, MKRS00UKR and ZPRS00UKR
09322 14-Mar-2018 Update of Guidelines for EUREF densifications
09315 07-Mar-2018 Release of the EPN multi-year solution C1980
09309 02-Mar-2018 Collection of chamber calibrations including Galileo frequencies
09262 24-Jan-2018 Update of CheckStationLogs script
09244 02-Jan-2018 Release of the new EPN multi-year solution C1950 in IGS14
EUREFmail No Date Subject
07260 24-Dec-2013 Christmas holidays
07235 05-Dec-2013 Antenna Serial Numbers in STA and ATX files at EPN CB
07222 26-Nov-2013 epnc_08_FULLSN.atx with full Serial Numbers available
07211 13-Nov-2013 Extended RINEX 2.11 format not accepted within IGS nor EPN
07188 21-Oct-2013 New EPN station DYNG
07064 31-Jul-2013 UZHL - inactive station
07031 08-Jul-2013 EUREF mails disturbances
07018 25-Jun-2013 EUREF mail and ftp to EPN CB was down
07015 20-Jun-2013 Planned upgrade of EPN CB server
07013 18-Jun-2013 KOSG decommissioned retro-actively from Sept. 13 2011
07011 17-Jun-2013 New EPN station PEN2
07010 17-Jun-2013 New EPN stations CAKO, DUB2, PORE, POZE and ZADA
07002 11-Jun-2013 Receiver INdependent EXchange (RINEX) Format Version 3.02 Released
06985 03-Jun-2013 EPN LAC Workshop, May 2013: Presentations and Conclusions On-line
06954 13-May-2013 New EPN stations BRON and ILDX
06923 24-Apr-2013 correction - [IGSSTATION-5386] Re: some receivers misreporting satellite health bits
06922 24-Apr-2013 [IGSSTATION-5385] some receivers misreporting satellite health bits
06913 19-Apr-2013 Planned update of EPN calibration files on April 22, 2013
06896 09-Apr-2013 Spikes in GLONASS calibrations
06894 09-Apr-2013 Re: No 6893: Subject:SULP: Equipment change
06868 19-Mar-2013 BRON - new proposed station
06832 02-Mar-2013 EPN LAC workshop May 15-16 2013 at Brussels
06778 18-Jan-2013 Planned outage of EPN CB web and ftp services
06774 17-Jan-2013 Update of Procedure for becoming an EPN Station
EUREFmail No Date Subject
05564 20-Dec-2010 Christmas holidays
05554 13-Dec-2010 New EPN station KUNZ
05552 09-Dec-2010 EPN CB server crashes
05550 07-Dec-2010 Snow accumulation
05498 28-Oct-2010 ARGI - new proposed station
05420 29-Sep-2010 EPN CB Information System operational again
05416 28-Sep-2010 EPN CB Information System down
05343 26-Aug-2010 Update of EPN CB historical data centre (up to 059/2010)
05199 14-Jun-2010 New EPN station KTVL
05198 14-Jun-2010 New EPN station USAL
05160 25-May-2010 Tracking of unhealthy satellites
05119 06-May-2010 KUNZ - new proposed station
05065 28-Apr-2010 2010 EUREF Symposium, Gavle/Sweden - deadlines
05041 14-Apr-2010 New EPN station CEBR
05028 12-Apr-2010 ELBA - operational status
05007 01-Apr-2010 Update EPN CB historical data center (up to 273/2009)
05000 30-Mar-2010 New EPN stations AXPV, CAEN, CREI, LIL2, MAN2, MDOR, SCOA, SMNE and TLMF
04988 25-Mar-2010 USAL - new proposed station
04986 24-Mar-2010 New EPN stations CFRM, CLIB, CPAR, CRAK and CTAB
04980 22-Mar-2010 New EPN station KRA1
04979 22-Mar-2010 CAME - inactive station
04971 17-Mar-2010 Update of guidelines for EPN stations and operational centres
04966 16-Mar-2010 LARI - new proposed station
04964 16-Mar-2010 KTVL - new proposed station
04963 16-Mar-2010 KRA1 - new proposed station
04952 09-Mar-2010 LAMP - operational status
04934 25-Feb-2010 2010 EUREF Symposium, Gavle/Sweden
04933 25-Feb-2010 Reminder: Access to EPN antenna calibrations will change from March
04874 02-Feb-2010 LAMP - inactive station
04854 20-Jan-2010 Changed access to EPN antenna calibrations
04843 13-Jan-2010 AQUI - operational status
04838 11-Jan-2010 EVPA - operational status
04829 06-Jan-2010 Bug corrected in on-line coordinate transformation
04827 06-Jan-2010 New EPN station TERC
EUREFmail No Date Subject
03088 21-Dec-2006 Christmas holidays
03085 20-Dec-2006 Update of EPN antenna calibration file
03071 08-Dec-2006 EPN CB web/ftp
03064 05-Dec-2006 Update of EPN Guidelines
03063 05-Dec-2006 New web-page concerning antenna calibrations
03060 04-Dec-2006 Updates of EPN CB web site
03052 28-Nov-2006 Update concerning migration of EPN CB servers
03051 28-Nov-2006 Migration of EPN CB servers
03027 14-Nov-2006 RINEX skeletons available from EPN CB
03025 13-Nov-2006 New EPN station SALA
03023 09-Nov-2006 Mail exploder for EUREF-IP
03022 09-Nov-2006 Access to individual absolute antenna calibrations of EPN stations
03020 08-Nov-2006 URGENT: collection of individual absolute antenna calibrations for EPN stations
03011 30-Oct-2006 New EPN station CNIV
02975 02-Oct-2006 New EPN station SUUR
02911 08-Aug-2006 Individual site information web pages revisited
02862 26-Jun-2006 New EPN station ZARA
02835 29-May-2006 Changes in yearly tracking performance plots
02825 24-May-2006 Clarification concerning interactive map
02824 23-May-2006 Interactive map of the EPN
02813 17-May-2006 EUREF 2006 SYMPOSIUM RIGA
02804 08-May-2006 New EPN station NOA1
02803 08-May-2006 New EPN station BADH
02790 27-Apr-2006 Request for station pictures
02766 10-Apr-2006 New EPN station ROVE
02747 23-Mar-2006 Minutes LAC Workshop Padua available on-line
02728 08-Mar-2006 EPN CB web and ftp server
02697 13-Feb-2006 New EPN stations BACA, BAIA, COST and DEVA
02678 01-Feb-2006 New webpage with EPN station coordinates
02668 24-Jan-2006 !!! URGENT: EUREF 2006 SYMPOSIUM RIGA - CHANGED DATE !!!
02659 18-Jan-2006 EUREF Symposium 2006 Riga / 2 Years Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in the Royal Observatory of Belgium
EUREFmail No Date Subject
01876 24-Dec-2003 Christmas holidays
01848 02-Dec-2003 New "Procedure for becoming an EPN station"
01830 14-Nov-2003 New EPN station GANP
01820 05-Nov-2003 Minutes Fourth EUREF Analysis Workshop, Graz, September 17-18, 2003
01814 29-Oct-2003 New EPN station HOER
01812 28-Oct-2003 Changes at EPN CB web site
01806 24-Oct-2003 New EPN station WARN
01791 02-Oct-2003 EUREF Symposium 2004 Bratislava
01788 01-Oct-2003 New EPN station SKE0
01784 29-Sep-2003 Email distribution list removed from EPN CB
01782 26-Sep-2003 EUREF homepage
01776 23-Sep-2003 New EPN station CAGZ
01774 16-Sep-2003 New EPN station JOZ2
01770 12-Sep-2003 subject: EUREF homepage
01763 08-Sep-2003 New EUREF station SASS
01743 21-Aug-2003 New EUREF station HERT
01736 11-Aug-2003 New EUREF stations KATO and ZYWI
01723 29-Jul-2003 New EUREF station DARE
01717 22-Jul-2003 New EUREF station PRAT
01707 14-Jul-2003 PULA station redrawn from the EPN
01696 30-Jun-2003 New EUREF stations SMID and SULD
01695 30-Jun-2003 New EUREF stations INVE and PLYM
01694 30-Jun-2003 New EUREF station OBET
01688 23-Jun-2003 New EUREF station REDU
01680 18-Jun-2003 EUREF symposia 2003, 2004
01651 21-May-2003 New EUREF-IP real time data stream : KRAW
01649 19-May-2003 EUREF Symposium 4-7 June 2003, Toledo / National Reports: Maintenance of EUREF stations
01639 11-May-2003 EUREF Symposium 4-7 June 2003, Toledo
01627 24-Apr-2003 NPLD station included again
01623 14-Apr-2003 Update of EPN Guidelines
01608 26-Mar-2003 EUREF Symposium 2003 Toledo
01604 25-Mar-2003 Civil GPS Availability Policy Statement
01570 18-Feb-2003 Change of directory structure at EPN CB server
01565 11-Feb-2003 EUREF 2003 Symposium, Toledo, date
01564 11-Feb-2003 EUREF 2003 Symposium Toledo / website
01563 11-Feb-2003 EUREF 2003 Symposium Toledo / website
01556 31-Jan-2003 ASH701945E_M added to calibration file
01554 30-Jan-2003 New station KRAW, not KRAK
01553 29-Jan-2003 EPN CB on-line again
01552 29-Jan-2003 EPN CB server off-line
01550 27-Jan-2003 New EUREF station KRAK
01540 15-Jan-2003 New EUREF station BUDP
01535 10-Jan-2003 New EUREF station THU3
01534 10-Jan-2003 IUGG Geodesy Sessions
EUREFmail No Date Subject
01526 23-Dec-2002 Christmas holidays
01509 10-Dec-2002 Problems with mail numbering
01507 06-Dec-2002 New EUREF station NYIR
01501 03-Dec-2002 EPN CB on-line again
01500 03-Dec-2002 Planned outage of EPN CB server
01476 12-Nov-2002 Do not use text wrapping when submitting site logs
01473 08-Nov-2002 New EUREF station MIKL
01468 04-Nov-2002 New EUREF station MORP
01438 10-Oct-2002 VLNS station included again
01430 27-Sep-2002 subject: EUREF Symposium 2003 / Proceedings Symposia 2001 and 2002
01423 20-Sep-2002 New EUREF station BOGI
01414 16-Sep-2002 Planned interruption in distribution of EUREF mails
01413 16-Sep-2002 Friday Sept. 13th problem
01409 11-Sep-2002 New EUREF station QAQ1
01378 21-Aug-2002 New web pages with overview of errors in RINEX headers
01370 19-Aug-2002 Changes in site log - RINEX header error report
01354 05-Aug-2002 Announcing automated site log submission email address
01327 09-Jul-2002 New EUREF station SPT0
01301 18-Jun-2002 EUREF Symposium 2002, Ponta Delgada
01287 11-Jun-2002 Site log switch
01276 07-Jun-2002 New GNSS format to verify before June 11
01268 29-May-2002 site logs converted to new GNSS format (to verify before June 11)
01251 14-May-2002 New EUREF stations LPAL and LROC
01237 26-Apr-2002 EUREF Symposium, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 5 - 8 June 2002
01227 18-Apr-2002 EPN CB server on-line again
01223 17-Apr-2002 Move of EPN CB server
01196 12-Mar-2002 New associated EUREF station AMMN
01187 26-Feb-2002 New EUREF station PULA
01184 25-Feb-2002 TurboRogue L2 Tracking
01182 19-Feb-2002 New address for EUREF mail exploder
01181 19-Feb-2002 New papers added to EPN web site
01171 05-Feb-2002 Testing EUREF mail distribution
01165 24-Jan-2002 EPN papers from EUREF2001 available
01142 09-Jan-2002 Historical info in site logs
EUREFmail No Date Subject
01137 28-Dec-2001 EUREF symposium 2002
01129 19-Dec-2001 Christmas holidays
01116 06-Dec-2001 New EUREF station CEUT
01114 05-Dec-2001 New EUREF station OROS
01113 05-Dec-2001 New EUREF station PADO
01082 26-Oct-2001 Standard time series now available in pdf format
01077 22-Oct-2001 New EUREF station SULP
01064 11-Oct-2001 New EUREF stations AQUI and ELBA
01057 01-Oct-2001 Station OBER renamed to OBE2
01044 21-Sep-2001 New EUREF station TUBO
01032 10-Aug-2001 New EUREF station POLV
01008 10-Aug-2001 New EUREF stations CACE and LINZ
00980 24-Jul-2001 Minutes LAC Workshop now available
00946 27-Jun-2001 Important notice for station managers
00915 29-May-2001 EUREF Symposium 2001 Dubrovnik
00906 23-May-2001 EPN CB off line
00903 22-May-2001 Ftp connection to EPN CB disturbed
00869 23-Apr-2001 EUREF Symposium Dubrovnik,16-19 May 2001 / Proceedings EUREf Symposium
00857 17-Apr-2001 New/Updated graphs at EPN CB
00855 17-Apr-2001 Access problems to epncb repaired
00849 09-Apr-2001 New web/ftp site for EPN CB
00823 23-Mar-2001 New EUREF AC: DEOS
00814 19-Mar-2001 New EUREF station TLSE
00799 05-Mar-2001 Revised site log format
00787 20-Feb-2001 New EUREF stations GSR1 and RABT
00785 20-Feb-2001 Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) - EUREF2001, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16-19 May, 2001
00782 16-Feb-2001 New EUREF station NPLD
00778 13-Feb-2001 Degraded access to EPN web site
00776 09-Feb-2001 Update of EPN time series
00775 09-Feb-2001 New EUREF stations GAIA, LAGO, PDEL and VALE
00765 01-Feb-2001 Update of Guidelines
00739 18-Jan-2001 New EUREF stations ALME, CANT, MALL
00738 18-Jan-2001 Request for comment: new site log format
EUREFmail No Date Subject
00057 20-Nov-1997 EUREF Time Series Available
00012 18-Apr-1997 Elevation cut-off angle