
The plots below show a snapshot of the station tracking over one day. They are produced once a month using the daily RINEX 2 and RINEX 3 observation files. For the RINEX 2 files, only GPS and GLONASS observations are considered. The G-Nut/Anubis program is used in the background.

Time/Number of Satellites: displays, for a specific day, and as a function of time, the number of satellites having only single frequency observations or having (at least) dual frequency observatons at a specific epoch.

Time/Elevation: displays, for a specific day, and as a function of time, the elevation of the satellites tracked by the station. For all constellations, the observations are only available on one frequency are indicated in red. These observations are not useful for high-precision applications. The remaining observations are all available on at least two frequencies. The color depends on the satellite constellation (see legend).

Azimuth/Elevation: displays, for a specific day, and as a function of the azimuth, the elevation of the satellites tracked by the station. For all constellations, the observations are only available on one frequency are indicated in red. These observations are not useful for high-precision applications. The remaining observations are all available on at least two frequencies. The color depends on the satellite constellation (see legend).

Azimuth/Elevation (polar plot): similar to the Azimuth/elevation plot, but now display on a polar plot.

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